631 Médicos no Brasil.
Ref.: Censo CFM 2013
Thyroid cancer: increased occurrence of the disease or simply in its detection? [003]
Adriano Cury - São Paulo - SP, Professor da faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de SP,
Immunity and thyroid cancer. Prospects for Immune Therapy. [006]
Profª Dra. Laura Ward - Campinas - SP, Professora titular da faculdade de Ciências Médicas da UNICAMP. Chefia
Obesity and thyroid cancer [008]
Profª Jennifer Sipos - Ohio State University - EUA, Associate Professor of Medicine Director Benign Thyroid Program Division
Should small papillary thyroid cancer be obseved? Ethical responsibilities? [010]
Professor Electron Kebebew, M.D., F.A.C.S. National Cancer Institute - USG - EUA, Chief of the Endocrine Oncology Branch
031 – Controversies in Thyroid pathology: Pathological definition and clinical significance of capsular and vascular invasion, especially approaching Encapsulated Follicular Variant of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma.
Dr. Venancio Avancini - São Paulo Médico patologista formado pela FMUSP em 1978 Professor Titular Chefe do Departamento de Patologia
030 – 6th Cancer Thyroid International Meeting, 4th Section, introduce Prof Dr. Venancio Avancini – São Paulo – SP
Moderador: Prof. Dr. Carlos Buchpieguel - São Paulo - SP, Centro de Medicina Nuclear da FMUSP, Professor Associado Livre Docente
029 – 6th Cancer Thyroid International Meeting, 3rd Section, Discussion
Moderador: Prof. Dr. Luis Paulo Kowalsky - São Paulo - SP, Professor Livre Docente em Oncologia pela FMUSP, Diretor do
028 – New Access and Techniques of Thyroidectomy.
Dr. José Higino Steck - Campinas - SP, Coordenador da Residência Médica em Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço do Hospital
027 – I would like to introduce Prof Dr. Jose Higino Steck
Moderador: Prof. Dr. Luis Paulo Kowalsky - São Paulo - SP, Professor Livre Docente em Oncologia pela FMUSP, Diretor