CME ONLINE: Limited Resource Setting Management of Outpatient Diabetes
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Case Presentation
A 56-year-old woman, Mrs. S., comes to see you at your clinic in rural Haiti. She complains of having experienced fatigue for several months, increasing over the last few weeks.
On further questioning, she notes mild polyuria and polydipsia, as well as occasional blurry vision, going on for several months. She denies pedal edema, shortness of breath, or orthopnea. She denies dysuria or hematuria. She denies weight loss in the last several months. All other questions are negative.
She works as a seamstress in a nearby village. Her husband is deceased, and she has several adult children. She has a small house and has a mobile phone, but does not have electricity in her house. She almost always has enough to eat, and denies having to skip meals, but does not have a lot of money.
Her physical exam is notable for obesity (BMI of 32), a blood pressure of 156/80, and intact sensation to vibration and light touch in her feet. She does not have conjuctival pallor, S3 or S4 on cardiac exam, signs of dehydration, or lower extremity edema. Her pulses are 2+ at her doralis pedis and posterior tibialis. You note acanthosis nigricans on her neck. All other exam findings are negative.
A urine dipstick shows 0+ protein, 0+ ketones, and 3+ glucose; her non-fasting blood glucose is 180 mg/dL. A basic metabolic panel does not demonstrate renal failure (her creatinine is 0.9 and her BUN is 9) or acidosis.
You make a tentative diagnosis of chronic hyperglycemia due to type 2 diabetes. A fasting glucose test done the next day confirms the diagnosis (140 mg/dL, higher than the WHO criteria for diagnosis of equal to or great than 126 mg/dL; with her symptoms, a random blood glucose of equal to or greater than 200 mg/dL would also have been diagnostic) (1,2).
Question 1 of 4
What is the most reasonable initial management of your patient’s diabetes, within the Haitian context?
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a. | Insulin on a weight-based regimen along with counseling on diet and exercise The authors disagree.The International Diabetes Federation and American Diabetes Association guidelines (1,2) both recommend the initiation of insulin when maximal oral agents have failed to provide adequate glycemic control, or sooner as clinically indicated (for example, a patient with an hemoglobin HbA1c of 11% would be very unlikely to obtain adequate glycemic control with diet, exercise, and oral agents only). For this Haitian patient, while insulin initiation is not contraindicated, it raises substantially more challenges than oral medication for both the physician as well as for the patient. Insulin requires at least daily (often more frequent) injections with sterile needles, daily blood glucose testing, intensive education on the proper use of insulin and the warning signs of hypoglycemia, as well as a reliably cool (ideally refrigerated) location for insulin storage. This patient has limited financial resources, and lacks a refrigerator in particular.While insulin is very effective, due to the difficulties and costs in implementing its use in Haiti, it is worth trying oral medications first (which can also be very effective), along with diet and exercise counseling (which applies to all diabetic patients). The point at which to start insulin will vary depending on the resources available at your clinic and the resources of the patient in question. For Mrs. S., while she may eventually require insulin, initially she may do well with oral agents alone. Because she demonstrates no signs of pronounced hypovolemia, acidosis or renal impairment, she is not in any immediate danger of hyperosmotic sequelae, which would necessitate at least temporary insulin use and possibly hospitalization. |
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b. | Metformin twice a day along with counseling on diet and exercise The answer is correct.Mrs. S. will need a thorough discussion about diabetes, how it is treated, and why it is important to continue with these therapies even once she feels better. If her glucose was very elevated (to the >300 range) and she had signs of hypovolemia, or if she had acidosis with or without renal impairments on her labs, treatment with insulin and intravenous fluids to rapidly correct her blood glucose and prevent complications would be indicated. Mrs. S. does not appear to be dehydrated on exam, so she may be told to increase her intake of non-sugary fluids for a few days, and started on metformin. She should also be advised on increasing her exercise (for example, walking for an hour every evening), and on specifics of an appropriate diet (see answer C for more information on diet).The use of oral medications to lower blood glucose has been shown in a number of trials to reduce the risk of diabetic complications; it may also reduce the risk of death in some populations, though this effect has not been demonstrated as thoroughly (1). In general, metformin is presently the preferred starting medication for most (BMI of 25 or greater) patients with type 2 diabetes (1,2) who do not require insulin. When compared to other medications in trials, metformin is associated with essentially no hypoglycemia, less weight gain (often weight loss, in fact), and potentially a greater reduction in the risk for complications of diabetes. Due to a rare risk of lactic acidosis, it should be used cautiously in patients with impaired kidney function (estimate glomerular filtration rate of equal to or less than 45 ml/min/1.73 m2) (1). It often causes diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and nausea/vomiting. These symptoms usually wane with time, and can be reduced by starting with a low dose (500mg once or twice a day, taken with food) and increasing the dose over several weeks (maximum of 2500 mg/day, split into two to three doses). Mrs. S. should be warned about these adverse effects and the importance of taking the medicines should be emphasized. The glycemic control goal, depending on the guidelines used, is to aim for a HbA1c of 7% or less (1, 2), or a fasting plasma glucose of <115 mg/dL (1) or 70-130 mg/dL (2), or a plasma glucose two hours after a meal of <160 mg/dL (1) or <180 mg/dL (2). In a low-resource setting such as Haiti, where more intensive monitoring is not possible, where the dangers of hypoglycemia are higher, and where the long-term benefits of ultra-aggressive glycemic control are unclear, a HbA1c goal of 7% is a reasonable target; Table 1 shows the correlation between HbA1c and the average sugar through the day. If HbA1c cannot be measured, a fasting plasma glucose can be substituted as a crude alternative (in which case the goal of a fasting plasma glucose <130 (mg/dL) would be the target); note that HbA1c is the preferred lab test to monitor long-term glycemic control whenever possible, and that fasting plasma glucose values can be skewed by prior meals, exercise, and infection. Because it is a long-term measure, HbA1c when avaiable should only be checked every three months (2). Should Mrs. S. ever have low sugars or if there are difficulties in monitoring her sugars, more relaxed goals are reasonable to set, particularly when using agents that can cause hypoglycemia. If she cannot reach her glycemic target after a maximal dose of metformin for several months, a sulfonylurea can be added to her regimen. |
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c. | Advice on a diabetic diet and encouraging exercise alone The authors disagree.This is an important part of managing any patient with diabetes. All clinics and hospitals should have staff who can discuss the importance with patients of managing their diet to reduce simple carbohydrates (white rice, beans, sugar, sodas, juices, fruits, white potatoes, plantains) and increase the amount of complex carbohydrates, vegetables, and proteins. Similarly, patients who do not have an active lifestyle should be encouraged to engage in exercise (such as walking for 30 minutes every day).Unfortunately, given how high her glucose is, diet and exercise alone are very unlikely to reduce her rangesblood sugars adequately. Moreover, the ADA guidelines (2) recommend that any patient diagnosed with diabetes be started on a medical therapy, typically metformin or, if very poorly controlled, insulin (see other answers for further discussion). |
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d. | Glipizide or another sulfonylurea, once a day before her largest meal, along with counseling on diet and exercise The authors disagree.Metformin is the oral agent of choice for most patients, though a sulfonylurea can be used as an alternative if clinically indicated, or if metformin is unavailable (1,2). Glibenclamide is the WHO-recommended sulfonylurea. These agents have a real risk of hypoglycemia (unlike metformin), and should be used with caution in patients with impaired function of the kidneys or liver, as these increase the risk of hypoglycemia. Dosing depends on the sulfonylurea being used, but would typically start with once a day before the largest meal of the day. |
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On further questioning, she notes mild polyuria and polydipsia, as well as occasional blurry vision, going on for several months. She denies pedal edema, shortness of breath, or orthopnea. She denies dysuria or hematuria. She denies weight loss in the last several months. All other questions are negative.
She works as a seamstress in a nearby village. Her husband is deceased, and she has several adult children. She has a small house and has a mobile phone, but does not have electricity in her house. She almost always has enough to eat, and denies having to skip meals, but does not have a lot of money.
Her physical exam is notable for obesity (BMI of 32), a blood pressure of 156/80, and intact sensation to vibration and light touch in her feet. She does not have conjuctival pallor, S3 or S4 on cardiac exam, signs of dehydration, or lower extremity edema. Her pulses are 2+ at her doralis pedis and posterior tibialis. You note acanthosis nigricans on her neck. All other exam findings are negative.
A urine dipstick shows 0+ protein, 0+ ketones, and 3+ glucose; her non-fasting blood glucose is 180 mg/dL. A basic metabolic panel does not demonstrate renal failure (her creatinine is 0.9 and her BUN is 9) or acidosis.
You make a tentative diagnosis of chronic hyperglycemia due to type 2 diabetes. A fasting glucose test done the next day confirms the diagnosis (140 mg/dL, higher than the WHO criteria for diagnosis of equal to or great than 126 mg/dL; with her symptoms, a random blood glucose of equal to or greater than 200 mg/dL would also have been diagnostic) (1,2).